How to Join the Fredericton Pickleball Club
(Jan 1 - May 31 , 2025)
Step 1: Purchase an ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP - click HERE for instructions
2025 Annual Membership $32.26
Fredericton Pickleball Club $15.00
Pickleball Canada $10.00
Pickleball New Brunswick $5.00
Processing Fee $2.26
NEW MEMBERSHIP or MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL can be done on-line through Pickleball Canada. Please indicate on the
registration form that Fredericton Pickleball Club is your affiliated club.
Step 2: If you intend to play indoors on the FPC courts, you also need to purchase COURT FEES - click HERE for more
2025 Seasonal Court Fees (5 months: January - May)
$300.00 Adult Play Anytime (equates to $60.00/month)
$250.00 Adult Play Evenings, Weekends and Holidays (equates to $50.00/month)
$150.00 Youth/Child (under 18) - must be with a parent or guardian (equates to $30.00/month)
Note: The fees above are only available if paid in full, as one single payment by December 31, 2024
​​ALSO: If you know that you will be away for a specified month(s), you are able to pay the court fees for the
remaining months that you will be playing - providing these court fees are paid upfront. Please indicate
on your etransfer which months you will be away and NOT playing. Full months only.
Click Here
Other Membership Options
1) Monthly Court Fees: $75.00 per month (no partial months) for all players
All monthly court fees are due on the 21st of the prior month you intend to play
2) New Members: If you join FPC in 2024, you will have the option of paying a prorated court fee based on the applicable 5 -month rate. You may also choose the monthly court fees. See above.
3) Visitors/Guests: $10.00 (non-FPC members) - must pay by e-transfer to: fton.pickleball@gmail.com
A Visitor is defined as a non-FPC member. See our schedule for available playing opportunities. Contact our President for questions.
Payment Methods
The payment method for Court Fees is via e-transfer to: fton.pickleball@gmail.com. Include the names of the players and the time paid for in the message area with your payment. If you do not use e-transfers, contact the Treasurer. (Thibault)
Cash is not accepted.
Refund Policy
Refunds are only available to members who pay Seasonal fees.
If you get sick or injured and can’t play for more than a month, you will be given the option to either receive credit or money for the time missed. Refunds are for unexpected circumstances. Refunds for members who pay monthly fees are not available.